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Querformat Art Support

Quarts e.V. is a registered non-profit association for the promotion of art and culture. Members of the association are, on the one hand, artists from all sectors as well as companies and individuals who promote and support art and culture.

The aim of the association is to work with domestic and foreign artists and interested partners to exchange ideas, concepts and projects as well as their realization. In addition to the organization of his own projects, Quarts e.V. would like to act as an intermediary between artists and cooperating partners. In addition, the association creates and supports opportunities for artistic work on an international level.

The association was founded in Berlin in 1990 under the name "Friends of the Gallery Querformat" and maintained the Galerie Querformat in Schöneberg until 1995. In 1994 the name of the association changed to QUARTS - Querformat ART Support. Quarts e.V. has been the owner of Galerie corridor 23 in the Kultur- und Atelierhaus Schöneberg since 2002.

One focus of the exhibition and project activity is on the discussion of non-European art and the support of artists from outside Europe. Quarts e.V. organized among others. Exhibitions with artists from Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Vietnam, Senegal, Benin, the USA, Poland, Spain and France, as well as projects at the Dak'Art International Daké in Dakar, Senegal. Since 1990 more than 50 exhibitions with domestic and foreign artists have been held in and outside of Berlin.

Statutes of 15.01.1994 as amended on 18.09.1995

§ 1 Legal form
The association is named QUARTS e.V. (Querformat Art Support). It is based in Berlin and serves exclusively and directly for charitable purposes within the meaning of the duties regulation.

§ 2 Purpose of the Association / Charity
1. The purpose of the association is the creation of spatial and organizational conditions for artistic and cultural events, in particular the organization of exhibitions and cultural projects, as well as the realization of artistic and cultural activities for children, young people and adults. One focus of the exhibition and project activity lies on the discussion with outside European art and the support of artists from these countries.
2. The funds of the association may only be used for the purposes of its intended use. The members do not receive any profit shares or donations from the association's funds.
3. Only non-profit purposes for the promotion of art and culture are pursued. The association is selflessly active; it does not pursue any economic purpose. If, nevertheless, profits are obtained within the scope of its activities, these may also only be used for the purposes of the law. In the case of the withdrawal or the dissolution of the association, only the common value of contributions in kind can be reimbursed. No person may benefit from expenses which are foreign to the purpose of the association or which are disproportionately high.
4. The club has to be registered in the association register.

§ 3 Membership
1. Members of the Association may only be natural persons. Prerequisite for a regular membership is an active participation in the program of the association in the form of courses, participation in artistic projects, exhibitions, etc. Events of the association.
2. In addition to natural persons, non-voting members may also be legal persons, as well as non-legal associations and companies of civil law.
§ 4 Acquisition and Termination of Membership
1. A member of the association can become whoever agrees with his goals and is obliged to pay the annual contribution. Membership is by written declaration of membership.
2. Membership shall terminate: a) by resignation, to be declared in writing to the Board at the end of the month, b) by dissolution of the Association, c) by exclusion. The exclusion may be decided by the General Assembly with the consent of the majority of all members of the Association for breach of the interests of the Association.

§ 5 Membership and membership fees
1. Membership rights may be exercised both in person and by a designated representative.
2. The General Meeting of Shareholders shall determine the membership fees for one financial year in each case.

§ 6 Organs of the Association
The bodies of the Association are the General Meeting (§ 7) and the Executive Board (§ 8).
§ 7 Annual General Meeting
1. The Annual General Meeting takes place as required, however, at least once every calendar year. Place and date shall be determined by the Board. The Management Board shall call the meeting in writing stating the agenda and assuming a two-week notice period. The Management Board is obliged to convene a General Meeting of Shareholders if this is required by at least one third of the members of the Association or if the interests of the Association are required.
2. Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting require a simple majority of the members present. A protocol shall be drawn up on all resolutions of the General Assembly, the correctness of which shall be confirmed by the signatures of the chairman and the minutes of the minutes. Decisions shall be communicated in an appropriate form to the non-members.
3. The other tasks of the General Assembly are as follows: a) Election and dismissal of the Management Board b) Approval of the activity report and of the budget c) Resolutions on amendment of the statutes) Election of the treasurer) Election of the secretary of the minutesf) Decisions on the dissolution of the association

§ 8 The Management Board

1. The Management Board shall consist of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman.
2. The Management Board is elected by the Annual General Meeting for one year. The members of the Management Board are to be elected in separate elections. A candidate is elected when he brings the majority of votes together. If a full board of directors can not be formed after this vote, the remaining candidates shall be re-voted. In this second ballot, those candidates are selected who are the most likely to receive the most votes. The Annual General Meeting can only decide on the election of a Management Board before the end of its term of office if a corresponding application has previously been communicated to all members together with the invitation to the Annual General Meeting.

§ 9 Amendments to the Articles
Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation may be decided by the General Meeting only with a share of 2/3 of the total members.

§ 10 Dissolution of the Association
The dissolution of the association can only be decided by a members' meeting expressly convened for this purpose. The dissolution of the association requires the approval of 3/4 of the members present. Decisions on the future use of the assets may only be executed after the approval of the tax authorities. In the event of the dissolution of the association or the abolition of the tax-privileged condition, the assets may only be used directly and exclusively for charitable purposes.


The Management Board

Ralf ZiebellNorbert Weitel

Quarts e.V | VON DER FERNE — Siegrid Müller-Holtz   Quarts e.V | Perlbildung - Thomas Gentner   Quarts e.V | Die Kraft des Vergänglichen — Gustavo da Liña
Von der Ferne, 2000
Siegrid Müller-Holtz
  Exhibition catalog
Perlbildung, 2002
Thomas Gentner
Die Kraft des Vergänglichen, 2010
Gustavo da Liña


© Quarts e.V. all rights reserved

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