1977 Galerie Meinikow, Heidelberg
1979 First street action, An der Paulskirche, Frankfurt am Main
1980 Injuries - Cures. An attempt, Kunstverein Frankfurt
1982 Krefeld to Kevelaer, Niederrheinwanderung
1985 7-day action - 112 home corners, Stichting, Makkom, Amsterdam
1987 Tour from the former Gestapogelände on the Wilhelmstraße to Funkturm with final action in a fair hall, Berlin
1988 Spear axle - an action on the German center, commemoration and action, Berlin
1989 Circumvention of the Palace of Culture and Science and Circumstantial Action of the former Warsaw Ghetto, Warsaw Circumstantial Action to Places of Power and Powerlessness, Deutsche Bank, Berlin
1991 Raster Berlin - an action to the German order, a city tour with a final action at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin Between the Kremlin, the church and the capital, the action on the Red Square, the Kremlin and the Gum
1992 Völkerwanderung Europa, action for installation in the Hackesche Höfe, Berlin
1994 Israel - Palestine, Gallery SOMA, Berlin
1995 The new barbarians, Gallery Rafael Vostell Fine Art, Berlin
2000 Aktion zum Auswitz Memorial Day, Church of the Holy Cross, Berlin
2005 Between courage and fear. Tatort Bad Toelz, Kunstverein Bad Toelz