Quarts e.V. | Projekt - Show Your Hope


With a striking yellow truck, packed with hundreds of painted panels, Martin Voorbij is traveling the world both virtually and physically. Show Your Hope is an extraordinary combination of exhibition and contemporary storytelling theater.

The concept is simple; artists are invited to paint a 25cm x 35cm sized panel with the task to ‘show their hope’. After a while the painting is picked up and the forthcomming story is told to the audience.

Every painting has it’s place in the collection, and every story it’s place in the mind of the storyteller. Presentatins take place at festivals, schools, public manifestations, museums and simply on the street. A remarkable cascade of images, words, impressions and perceptions unfolds itself. Interaction is stimulated by the storyteller.


Quarts e.V. | Projekt - Show Your Hope

Quarts e.V. | Projekt - Show Your Hope

Quarts e.V. | Projekt - Show Your Hope

Quarts e.V. | Projekt - Show Your Hope

Quarts e.V. | Projekt - Show Your Hope

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