Josué Sánchez (born 22 January 1945) is a Peruvian artist, graduated from the School of Fine Arts of the UNCP (National University of the Center of Peru).
His paintings; which are of neo-figurative style, have been described as of “new indigenous figuration,” because of its thematic based on the Andean worldview, which he interprets using the technique of acrylic on canvas, paper or wall.
Recognized muralist, Sánchez is famous for his murals in the Church of Chongos Alto (350 m2) and the Franciscan Convent of Santa Rosa de Ocopa (400 m2) in Huancayo, Peru. He also has three important murals in Germany, two in the city of Aachen: one in the Sanctuary of MISSIO and another in the Church of the Holy Spirit; and a third in the Church of Litzelstetten, on the shores of Lake Konstanz.
With over 2500 paintings to his credit, his works are in galleries and museums in Peru and Europe and he has exhibited in Spain, Germany, France, England and Switzerland. He has also illustrated the cover and interior of numerous books of Peruvian and foreign authors.
In sculpture, Sánchez uses the technique of modeling and casting in concrete and fiberglass; his works are in figurative and neo-figurative styles.
Among his numerous sculptural works the most representative are: the monument to The Mother in the main square of Huamali in Jauja, which the artist considers his best work; six sculptures of representative people of the Wanka culture in the Parque de la Identidad Wanka in Huancayo; and the Andean Virgin of the Immaculate Conception in the park of the same name, also in Huancayo.
Considered an expert in Andean culture, he has worked in cultural promotion, consulting, design and implementation of projects in non-governmental agencies and international bodies such as the European Economic Community, of which has been a consultant.
Sánchez is the author of the book Creencias mágico religiosas en la vivienda rural (Magical and religious beliefs in rural housing) (2009) and coauthor of Plantas en la cultura andina (Plants in the Andean culture) (2000). He has also written numerous articles on Andean ideology, worldview and rural architecture in various media, and he is also the author of the unpublished works Huasi Lulay, rural housing in the Mantaro Valley and Pullukata, iconography of the blankets.
He has been editor of the cultural supplement “Huellas” of the newspaper Primicia of Huancayo, and  wrote the column “Desde el atelier” in the cultural supplement “Solo 4” of the newspaper Correo of Huancayo. Currently, he also teaches at the UPLA (Peruvian University of the Andes).


J. Sánchez Cerrón  

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